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Adobe Schema eBooks:

Compatibility Information & Testing

To read about the various eBook ordering options available, or to place an order, please click here.


For an overview of the Adobe eBook format we use, and a description of the benefits, click here.


All Schema eBooks are in English ONLY!


To view sample Adobe eBook licensing agreements, please click here.


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Compatibility Information for Adobe Schema eBooks


Technically, the format that we use is referred to as an Adobe Secure PDF eBook or as an Adobe DRM-Protected PDF Book. Our Schema eBook is compatible with most Windows and Mac computers, and with most major tablets, when viewed with compatible eReader apps.


The free Adobe Digital Editions eReader (ADE) is fully compatible with most Windows computers running Vista, Windows 7, 8, 8.1, and 10 (in desktop mode). Our eBook is not compatible with tablet computers running Windows RT. The latest version, ADE 4.5.1, is compatible with Windows 7 and higher.


Adobe Digital Editions eReader is also fully compatible with most Mac computers running OS X 10.6 and higher. The latest version, ADE 4.5.1, is compatible with Mac OS X 10.8 and higher.


If you purchase one of the Adobe Schema eBook for 6 products, our eBook will automatically sync with your computers and tablets -- if you install Adobe Digital Editions on each device, and use the same Adobe ID.


There are new versions of Adobe Digital Editions that can be downloaded from the Apple App Store for iOS, and the Google Play Store for Android. The Apple ADE app is compatible with iPads or iPhones running iOS 7.0 or higher. The Google ADE app is compatible with most newer tablets and smartphones that run Android 4.4 (KitKat) or higher.


There are also other excellent apps for tablets and smartphones that are compatible with our eBook, such as Bluefire Reader. Bluefire Reader is compatible with iPhones or iPads running iOS 7.1 or later; and with Android devices running 2.3.3 or higher. Using one of these compatible apps, you can view our Schema eBook on most iPads and Android tablets, many smartphones, and some specialized eReaders like the Nook. (Note that pages from our eBook cannot be printed from any tablets, so far as we know. Also, to view our eBook on a Kindle Fire tablet, it is possible to "sideload" the Bluefire Reader app, but you will need help from a tech-savvy Android user. Apps other than Adobe Digital Editions will probably not sync automatically.)


For more information about ADE-compatible devices and software, please click on the link below:



Compatibility in Institutional Settings:  If you are working in an institutional setting, we strongly recommend that you contact us for instructions on how to complete the free Adobe eBooks Compatibility Test before placing an order (see the section below). We also advise that you work closely with your IT or Computer Support Department to install our Schema eBook. Technicians should be able to help with network security issues that often interfere with the installation and authorization of the Adobe Digital Editions software (ADE), and with transferring the eBook to ADE.


It is not necessary for most eBook customers who work at home or in private offices to do Adobe Compatibility Testing before making a purchase. Any incompatibilities or network problems are rare, and can almost always be resolved with the help of our Technical Support staff. However, to be absolutely sure that our eBook is compatible with your Windows or Mac computer, you can order the Compatibility Test for just $5 in the next section.



Adobe eBook Compatibility Testing: Ordering Information & Recommendations


To find out if your computer, printer, and network are compatible with the Adobe Schema eBook before making a purchase, we offer a Sample eBook that is only a few pages long. If the Sample eBook -- called the Adobe Compatibility Test eBook -- installs properly and you can print all of the pages, then you can be 99% certain that the full eBook with all of the Schema Inventories will also be compatible. The cost of the sample eBook is just $5 for individuals; and is free for institutions that write us in advance.


We strongly urge customers in institutional settings -- which typically have highly secure internet networks -- to ask their IT Departments to install and print the Compatibility Test eBook before purchasing the complete Schema eBook. If you are considering placing an order for any of our Adobe eBook products for your agency or institution, please send an email to Tell us a little about your organization, and we will send you a coupon code that will allow you to order the Compatibility Test below at no cost. 


To order the Adobe Compatibility Test Schema eBook, first click on the orange "Add to Cart" button below. Then follow the instructions below to complete your order.







After you click on the "Add to Cart" button above, a new page will open, explaining our licensing terms. Please click Accept.


Our Shopping Cart page will then open automatically. The Compatibility Test eBook will already have been added to your cart, and the Total Amount Due will be $5. (If you have a coupon code, enter it now in the box provided; then click "Update Cart".)


We accept most major credit cards, and PayPal. Complete all of the contact information and credit card details required on the Shopping Cart page. Please verify that you haven't omitted any information, and that the Amount Due is correct. Then click on the button: Click Here to Complete Your Order.


For more detailed ordering instructions, click here. Please observe these two warnings:


  • Be sure that you only click on the "Add to Cart" button ONCE.


  • Do not use the BACK arrow in your browser while ordering.


After your order is complete, and your credit card is accepted, the "Order Confirmation and Download" page will open. You will be able to download and install Adobe Digital Editions and the eBook file any time you want. We recommend that you wait until you receive your confirmation email within a few minutes. The email contains a link so that you can return to the Download page anytime.


Once you have received your email confirmation, you are ready to install the Compatibility Test eBook on your computer. Click here for Windows Computer installation instructions -- and here for Mac Computer installation instructions.

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