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How To Get Help If You Can't Print

Schema Inventories from Your Mac


IMPORTANT:  If you are a Mac user who can view all of the schema pages from the DRMZ file but cannot print all of the pages using Javelin Reader, then you will be given an opportunity to become part of our Pilot eBook program for Mac users with printing problems. Be sure to read all of the instructions below carefully.


Are you a Mac user with this problem: you are able to read the schema inventories (or the Compatibility Test schema pages) in Javelin Reader, but you cannot print any pages (or most pages) from the file? You may get an error message telling you that Javelin cannot print to your model of printer. If you fit this profile, then you qualify to enroll in our Pilot eBook Program for Mac Users through "self-authorization" (i.e., you can join the program without having to get prior authorization from our Support Staff first). 


If you are a Mac user who could not open our DRMZ file, authorize the file, or view the schema pages using Javelin Reader, then this eBook solution will probably NOT solve your problem. Please skip the section below about the Pilot Program, and scroll down to the section called How To Obtain Technical Support for a Mac. Then send us your answers to the required diagnostic questions so that you can get additional technical support from us. 


Overview of the Pilot eBook Program


We are just beginning a pilot program to offer our Schema Inventories as a "Secure PDF eBook" (or "Protected PDF eBook"). These eBooks contain the identical Schema Inventories and Forms that are offered through our standard Javelin Reader file; however, they have been secured with standardized Adobe DRM protection, and are downloaded in an easy-to-install, eBook format developed by Adobe. Thus far, all of the Mac users with the printing problem described above have been able to print the Schema Inventories successfully using this eBook format.


Depending on the feedback we receive during this pilot, we will probably change over to the  "Secure PDF eBook" solution for all new Mac customers. We may later switch to eBooks for Windows users as well. However, very few Windows customers report any problems viewing or printing, once they have installed Javelin Reader correctly. 


The only Windows users who contact us about  Javelin issues on a fairly regular basis are those working in larger institutional settings, like hosptitals or universities, where internet firewalls often prevent downloading and authorizing the files we use. Mac users would probably encounter the same issues, but most large institutional settings still use Windows computers -- and we are not sure whether eBooks will remedy these issues.


Compatibility of our "Secure PDF eBooks" 


The Secure PDF eBook format that we use is compatible with most Windows and Mac computers, and with many major tablet devices, when opened in compatible eBook Readers.  However, we only offer technical support for viewing and printing eBooks using the “Adobe Digital Editions" eReader. Digital Editions is available in different versions, as a free download for Mac and Windows computers. (We will refer to this software as ADE in the instructions below.) We only support our eBooks on Mac computers running OS X 10.6 or above.


Although we do not offer any guarantees or technical support, our eBooks can also be viewed on iPad tablets, and on most Android tablets that can download apps from the Google Play Store. The most highly recommended, ADE-compatible app for viewing Schema eBooks on iOS and Android tablets is Bluefire Reader. However, to the best of our knowledge, the Schema Inventories in our eBook cannot be printed correctly from tablet devices (except for Windows 8/8.1 tablets that can run in desktop mode, such as the Lenovo Yoga).  


Schema eBooks are also compatible with some dedicated eReader devices, such as the Nook. However they cannot be viewed on Kindle Readers, in Kindle apps, or in Apple iBook apps. (Schema eBooks can only be viewed on Kindle Fire tablets if you are a tech-savvy Android user.) 


For more information about ADE-compatible devices and software, please click on the link below:



eBook Installation Instructions for Compatible Mac Computers


If you would like to begin the eBook Pilot Pogram for Mac Users, the first step is to complete the Mac eBook Compatibility test.


This section contains complete instructions on how to install the ADE Reader on your Mac, authorize it, then view and print the sample pages included in your Compatibility Test eBook file. The same instructions can be used for both the eBook Compatibility Test, and later for installing the complete Schema Inventories eBook, if you decide to purchase it .


Please follow the instructions below carefully:


1.  Click on the link below that is compatible with your version of OS X, to begin downloading the ADE installation file with your browser. 


        a. For Mac OS X 10.7 or Higher: 


        b. For Mac OS X 10.6 Only:


2.  Locate the installer file named ADE_3.0_Installer.dmg  OR  ADE_2.0_Installer.dmg. You can usually find the file in your Downloads folder in Finder or from your Dock. 


3.  Double-click on the .dmg file. (This will mount the disk image.) 


4.  Open (launch) the Digital Editions Installer, using one of these two methods: double-click on the Installer icon; OR control-click on the Installer icon, then click Open.


5. Once the Installer launches, click Continue to proceed with the installation. Follow the instructions in the setup wizard to complete the installation. Click Done to exit the setup wizard.


6. Once the installation is complete, Adobe Digital Editions should launch automatically. (You can also open Adobe Digital Editions from your Applications folder.) Go to Step 7.


If you have difficulties installing ADE on your Mac, click on either of the links below for detailed instructions, with photos to guide you. (The instructions for ADE2 and ADE3 are almost the same.)


7.   a. You will now need to complete a free, one-time registration for an Adobe ID, in order to authorize ADE on your Mac. (If you already have an Adobe ID, skip to Step 10. Be sure to use your existing Adobe ID, instead of registering for a new one.)


      b. The first time ADE opens, a special Computer Authorization dialogue box may open automatically. If this box to authorize your computer is open, go to Step 8. If not, click on the Help menu near the top of ADE. Then click on "Authorize Computer..."The Computer Authorization dialog box will now open.


8.  Near the middle of the "Computer Authorization" dialogue box, next to the words "Adobe ID", you will see "Create an Adobe ID" in blue. Click on this link. This will bring you to the Adobe website where you will be able to sign up for an Adobe ID.


9. On the Sign Up page, fill in all of the information required to register, including your email address and password. Then click "Sign Up".


10. Once you have completed the Adobe ID registration process, return to the "Computer Authorization" dialogue box in ADE. Follow the instructions below to authorize your computer:


a. In the field labeled “eBook Vendor”, be sure that “Adobe ID” is already selected.


b. Enter your Adobe ID and Password in the next two boxes (from Step 9 above).


c. Click Authorize. Your computer is now authorized with your Adobe ID. (You will not have to authorize this computer again to view eBooks in ADE.)


If you have difficulties signing up for an Adobe ID or authorizing your computer in ADE, click on the link below for detailed instructions, with photos to guide you.






































12. Open the email you just received from us on your Mac. Locate your Personal File Link for the Compatibility Test eBook in the email, then click on it. (If you prefer, you can also copy and paste the link into the address bar of your browser; then hit the Return key.)


13.  Locate the file named URLLink.acsm on your Mac, then click on it. You can usually find the file in your Downloads folder in Finder or from your Dock. After clicking on the .acsm file, your Schema eBook should appear in your ADE library.


13.  Find your Mac Compatibility Test eBook in the ADE library, then double-click on the eBook file name or icon. Your Schema eBook should then open in a separate window within ADE. To view the pages in your eBook, you can scroll up and down; you can also zoom to make the fonts larger or smaller.


14.  To print from your eBook, click on the File menu, the click Print. Select the page numbers you want to print, then click the Print button. The pages you selected should now print correctly. (Depending on your printer, you may find that the printed version looks slightly different from the on-screen view; for example, the margins may be different, or the font sizes may change. These can sometimes be adjusted by finding the printer properties page for your printer, and changing the scaling percentage.)


15. You can only install your "Compatibility Test eBook" link once on your Mac computer. The eBook is valid for 30 days from the date you install it, and you are only allowed to print a total of 42 pages from the eBook.


We hope that this eBook solution is compatible with your Mac and printer. If you have any problems installing, viewing, or printing your Schema eBook, please read the Troubleshooting FAQ here first. Then feel free to email or phone us for support.


Since this is a Pilot Program, we would very much appreciate any feedback on your experience with ADE and the Secure PDF eBook format. Also, if you are interested in ordering the complete Schema Inventories eBook, please send us an email with your answers to Questions 1 to 9 below, and request your free Coupon Code to obtain the introductory pricing. Please write to:



How To Obtain Technical Support for a Mac

or Request An eBook Coupon Code


Whether you want to contact us for general technical support or would like a Coupon Code, you will have to answer the first 8 questions below, PLUS the additional questions that are relevant to you:


1. Your first and last name, and e-mail addressHave you already purchased the full Schema Inventories file for Javelin Reader previously?  (If you placed the order using a different name or email address, what name and address did you use?) Have you completed the standard Mac Compatibility Test for Javelin Reader? Have you completed the eBook Compatibility Test?


2. The unique 9-character authorization code(s) that you used to open the DRMZ file(s) in Javelin Reader. (You would have obtained this code if you purchased the Inventories online, or when you took the Mac Compatibility Test for Javelin Reader.)


3. The model of Mac you own, and the approximate year you purchased it (e.g., MacBook Air, 2012)


4. The version of Mac OS X installed on your computer (e.g., Mac OS X 10.9);


5. The manufacturer and model number of the printer(s) that you use with your Mac (e.g., Brother HL-4570CW).


6. How does your printer connect to your computer and the internet (e.g., USB cable, Ethernet, Wi-Fi, AirPrint, internet printing, local network, etc.)?


7. Are you using your computer in a corporate or institutional environment in which the internet service goes through a secure central server? (This is typical in most hospitals, academic settings, government agencies, etc.) Or are you using your Mac at home or in a small office?


8.  Please answer these two questions about viewing and printing the DRMZ file in Javelin Reader:


a. Were you able to view all of the schema pages in the DRMZ file in Javelin Reader?

If not:  Where did you get stuck following the instructions? Were you able to install Javelin Reader? Could you open and authorize the DRMZ file in Javelin? Could you read any of the pages? Did you see any error messages?


b. If you were able to view all of the pages in the DRMZ file:  Were you ever able to print any pages from the DRMZ file? If not, what happened when you tried to print? Did you ever see an error message? If yes, what was the exact error message (e.g., "Unable to print document! You can't use this printing device for printing a DRMX or DRMZ document”)? Did the pages fail to print without any error message popping up?

    If some pages printed but not others, please explain in more detail what happened.




If you are requesting a Coupon Code, please answer Questions 9 and 10 below, in addition to Questions 1-8:


9.  a. Did you complete the Mac eBook Compatibility Test successfully? Were you able to view and print all of the pages correctly in Adobe Digital Editions on your Mac?


     b. If not: what problems did you encounter? Please be as specific as possible.


10.  Please send an email with your answers to Questions 1 through 9 to:  You do not have to answer Question 11 below. We will then send you a Coupon Code and ordering instructions for the complete Schema Inventories eBook. Thank you for your patience in completing this process. We genuinely apologize for any inconvenience this delay has caused you.




If you are requesting additional Technical Support for your Mac but not a Coupon Code, and you were able to install Javelin Reader, please answer Questions 11 and 12 below, in addition to answering Questions 1-8 above:


11. In order to troubleshoot any problems you were having after installing Javelin Reader (such as opening or authorizing the DRMZ file In Javelin, or viewing the schema pages), the publisher will need to see the contents of your Javelin "Log File".


Please follow the steps below carefully. (Depending on which version of OS X you are running, you may not see exactly what is described below.)


a.  Launch (open) Javelin Reader.


Click on the Javelin “File” menu. Then click the “Log File” option.


c.  A “Save Log File” (or "Save File") dialogue box will open, with the file name “DrumlinLog.txt “ already inserted. Navigate to your Documents or Downloads folder, then click “Save.


d.  Depending on your version of Mac, a small window may open that says, “Success: Do you want to open the log file?”  Click on the “Yes” button.


      OR  If you do not see this message on your screen: Open Finder to locate the Downloads or Documents folder where you just saved the log file. Double-click on the file DrumlinLog.txt , and it should open in TextEdit (or another document reader).


e.  Once you have opened the DrumlinLog.txt file, select the entire contents of the Javelin Log File, copy it, then paste the entire contents into the email you will send us.


12. If the publisher's Technical Support staff cannot resolve your problem, would you be interested in becoming part of our eBook Pilot Program for Mac Users?


Please send an email with your answers to Questions 1-8,11, and 12, to: We'll forward it to the publisher, Drumlin Security, immediately. Within 4 business days, Drumlin usually responds with a solution. We will contact you as soon as we receive a reply.


If you have any difficulty following these instructions, please be sure to contact us by phone or email. You can reach our Phone Support line directly during these hours: Monday through Thursday, from 12 noon until 4:45pm, New York time. The phone number is:  +1-212-594-9494, ext. 222.


Thank you again for your patience and cooperation as we work to resolve the software issue for your printer.









11. The next step is to order your free, personal Mac eBook Compatibility Test file link. Once you've downloaded your personal file link, you'll be able to install the Compatibility Test eBook in your ADE eReader. To begin the ordering procedure, click on the maroon "Add to Cart" button below:






a.  A new tab or window will then open with the Mac eBook Compatibility Test license agreement (EULA) for "self-authorizing" Mac users. ("Self-authorizing" users joined the Pilot Program without first having to be approved by our support staff.) The agreement warns you not to purchase the complete Schema Inventories eBook until you can successfully print all 6 pages from the Compatibility Test eBook first. You are also encouraged to contact our support staff later to obtain a Coupon Code that allows you to purchase the complete Schema Inventories eBook for the introductory price of $49, valid for any 2 compatible computers or tablets.


If you are comfortable with the terms and conditions, click "Accept".


b. A shopping cart page will open, with one free license for the Mac eBook Compatibility Test already in the cart.  The Total Due should be $0.00. Click on the "Continue Checkout" button at the bottom.


c. On the next page, enter your name and e-mail address. (Otherwise we have no address to send your email to, with your personal eBook file link.) Then click "Continue".


d. A new page will open confirming your order:  "Thank you for your order! You will receive an email soon with download instructions."


e. Within the next few minutes, you should receive an email from us confirming your order. The e-mail contains your personal Compatibility Test file link. (All personal eBook file links are encoded with your name and e-mail address, so please do not share them with others.) You will need this link in Step 12 below to install the Compatibility Test eBook in the ADE eReader.


     If you don’t see the email in your Inbox, be sure to check your Spam folder. If you still haven't received your email within 30 minutes -- or if the email does not contain a personal eBook file link -- please contact us by phone or e-mail.

Copyright 2023  Jeffrey Young, Ph.D.  All rights reserved.

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