Schema Inventories Order Page
with Detailed Product Descriptions
Important Information Before Ordering
1. You can place an order for our Schema Inventories DIRECTLY from this page -- just click on the Add to Cart button below the product you want to purchase below.
2. All of our products have the identical Schema Inventories and forms included, and are valid for one year from the date of purchase (but can be renewed). All Schema eBooks and the new PDF version are available in English only. The eBook and PDF versions each contain 52 pages. Click here to see the complete contents of our Schema Inventory products. We do not issue refunds for eBooks or our Premium PDF version on the basis that the inventories and materials you purchased are not what you wanted or expected.
3. If you plan to install the schema inventories in an institutional setting -- with its own internet connection, firewall security, and/or restricted servers -- we strongly encourage you to purchase the new Premium PDF Version of the inventories to avoid any compatibility problems that some customers have had with our Adobe eBooks. See Option 4 near the bottom of the page.
4. If you are a past customer and your license is expiring, please contact us for renewal discounts on most products: support@schematherapy.com
5. Click here for help installing Adobe Schema eBooks on an iPad. We do not offer technical support for tablets, but provide extensive self-help instructions.
6. If you would like to be certain that your computer, printer, and network are compatible with the Adobe software and eBook, you can learn more about eBook compatibility and order the Adobe Compatibility Test eBook by clicking here.
7. A few customers each year request a refund on the basis that they cannot install the Schema eBook because it is too difficult for them, or because the process is too time-consuming -- but they are not willing to go through the troubleshooting process. We will not issue full refunds for these reasons unless we are unable to correct the problem. As stated in our licensing agreement, intermediate-level computer experience (or higher) is required to install Adobe eBook products. If you have limited computer installation experience, we strongly urge you to purchase our new PDF version (Option 4).
8. We strongly recommend that you use a high-quality laser printer with at least 600dpi resolution, so that the schema inventories will print clearly and legibly. You can find information about resolution in the User Guide for your printer.
9. You can only print pages from the Schema eBook or the PDF version to a physical printer. You cannot print all or part of the inventories to a digital file such as a PDF, to a virtual printer, or in any other form.
Schema Inventories Online Store
Please note that, for all of the products below, you are purchasing a one-year license to view and print schema inventories and other materials from our Schema eBook or PDF file. One year after completing your purchase, you will have the option of placing another order to renew your license. All products include the same inventories and materials.
Once you have installed a Schema eBook on a specific computer, tablet, or smartphone, it cannot be moved to a different device. eBooks are permanently "locked" to the device they are originally installed on. Furthermore, if you erase then reinstall your operating system (Windows or Mac), you will have to purchase a new eBook.
All Schema eBooks and the new PDF version are available in English only.
Option 1:
Fall 2024 Special Discount
Adobe Schema eBook for 2 -- Print from 2 : Windows, Mac, iPad & Android - $59
OUR BEST VALUE FOR INDIVIDUAL USERS. You receive a one-year license to Install your 1st eBook on a Windows or Mac computer; then choose between adding our eBook to a 2nd desktop computer or laptop (with an additional 450 pages of printing), or viewing our inventories on your iPad or Android tablet or smartphone.
Your choice of a 2nd computer or a tablet for $9 more: With this Special Offer, you only pay $9 more than the "eBook for 1" below to install our eBook on 2 computers -- or, if you prefer, on one computer and one tablet. (If you decide you want to purchase an eBook later for a 2nd computer or a tablet after you order, you will have to pay the regular price of $50.) You are also eligible for full technical support.
We strongly recommend that users purchase this product instead of the "eBook for 1" below, in case you make a mistake following the installation instructions, or decide to purchase a new computer or laptop. If you need to order an additional eBook later, you will have to pay the full $50 price, instead of the $9 price for the 2nd eBook included with this product.
Install the first eBook on a compatible Windows or Mac computer. Then choose where to install the second Schema eBook: another Windows or Mac computer or laptop; an iPad; or a compatible Android tablet.
The first eBook must be installed on a computer; the 2nd eBook can be installed on a 2nd computer or a compatible tablet or smartphone.
To read more about Adobe eBooks, go to the Adobe Schema eBooks main page.
"Intermediate-Level" computer experience is highly recommended for the initial installation of all Adobe products.
If you do not want to go through the time-consuming eBook installation process, we highly recommend that you purchase our new, premium PDF version. For the PDF version, you just download the file, open it in any standard PDF app, then read and print as many pages as you want. (See Option 4 below to order.)
Printing: If you decide to install the second eBook on a Windows or Mac computer, you are allowed to print 400 pages on the first computer, and 450 more pages on the 2nd computer. You can also make additional photocopies of the pages you print.
If you decide to add the 2nd eBook to a tablet: To the best of our knowledge, it is not possible to print our eBook from any iPad or Android tablets. But you can still print a total of 400 pages from the first eBook on your Windows or Mac computer; and view the inventories on your iPad or compatible Android tablet. Please note that you can print unlimited pages from computers and tablets if you purchase the new PDF version (Option 4 below).
Click here for help installing Adobe eBooks on an iPad.
Click on the "Add to Cart" button below to order the Adobe eBook for 2 / Print 2:
Order: Adobe Schema eBook for 2 -- Print from 2 : Windows, Mac, iPad & Android
Option 2:
Adobe Schema eBook for 6 -- Print from 2 : Windows, Mac, iPad, Android - $69
Now with Automatic Syncing & Share with a Friend !
Exceptional value -- now with automatic syncing! This special package includes a one-year license to install the Schema eBook on up to 6 devices, for only $10 more than the "eBook for 2". (You can view and print inventories from any 2 Windows or Mac computers; you can view only on 4 additional devices.)
With this Adobe product, you have official permission for a friend or colleague to install one of your 6 eBooks on his/her Windows or Mac computer -- or you can keep all 6 eBooks for yourself.
Install our eBook on 6 Windows or Mac computers (desktops and laptops), iPads, iPhones, or compatible Android tablets and smartphones!
"Intermediate-Level" computer experience is strongly recommended for the initial installation of all Adobe Schema eBook products.
Print from 2 Computers: The "eBook for 6 -- Print from 2" allows you (and an optional friend or colleague) to print inventories from 2 Windows or Mac computers, using two different Adobe ID's and eBook links. You are allowed to print 450 pages on each computer. You are also permitted to make additional photocopies of the pages you print.
View on 4 More Devices: You can also view the Schema eBook on any 4 additional, compatible devices: iPads, iPad mini's, Android tablets, large-screen iPhones and smartphones, Windows and Mac desktop and laptop computers, and many specialized eReaders. (eBooks can only be printed from Mac or Windows computers.)
This Adobe product will automatically sync the Schema eBook on 5 compatible computers, tablets, and smartphones -- after you have installed the Adobe Digital Editions app, and the same Adobe ID, on each device. (The 6th eBook can be installed with a different Adobe ID on any Windows or Mac computer, including a friend's.)
Order: Adobe Schema eBook for 6 Computers and Tablets -- Print from 2:
Automatic Syncing Among Devices - Share with A Colleague
Option 3:
Adobe Schema eBook for 1 Windows or Mac Computer - $50
This is our budget option: we do not offer refunds or technical support because of the low price. The eBook for 1 is intended for students or others on a tight budget who have a high level of computer expertise.
This Adobe Schema eBook product allows you to install all of the Schema Inventories on one compatible Windows or Mac computer. The eBook for 1 Computer includes a one-year license to view and print the Schema Inventories on your laptop or desktop computer.
The "eBook for 1" cannot be used on any tablets. (However, the other Adobe Schema eBook products we offer can be installed on iPads, iPhones, and most Android tablets and phones -- in addition to Windows & Mac computers.)
WARNING: If you make an error installing this product that cannot be reversed OR if you purchase a new computer or laptop after installing this eBook OR if you go beyond your printing allotment -- you will have to purchase a new eBook for $50. The Schema eBook cannot be moved from one device to another. We strongly recommend that most users purchase the "eBook for 2" above for just $9 more to avoid these common problems.
Advanced computer experience is recommended for the initial installation of this Adobe product since you will not be entitled to technical support or refunds under any circumstances.
You are allowed to print 400 total pages (not 400 pages for each inventory); photocopying is also permitted.
2024 DISCOUNT on the eBook for 2: Our best value for individual users right now is the "Adobe Schema eBook for 2 -- Print 2 ". You can add a 2nd computer or tablet for only $9 more than the "eBook for 1". You will also be eligible for technical support. For more details, see Option 1 above.
To order the Adobe Schema eBook for 1, please click on the "Add to Cart" button below:
Order: Adobe Schema eBook for 1: Windows or Mac Computer Only
No technical support or refunds.
Option 4.
Premium PDF Version of Inventories for up to 6 Computers or Tablets
Highly recommended for Institutional Settings & Group Practices
Unlimited Printing from all Devices
No installation Required -- just download the PDF file
Premium PDF File Option
We have introduced this new product for institutions and individuals who do not want to, or cannot, install our Adobe Schema eBook on their computers or tablets.
This new product is a standard encrypted PDF file that can be viewed and printed on any computer or tablet that has a standard PDF app, like Adobe Reader or Acrobat. There are no issues of compatibility or complicated installations. Just download the file onto your Windows, Mac, iPad, iPhone, Chromebook, or Android device.
If you have additional questions about this new product, please contact us for additional information: support@schematherapy.com.